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Money Matters 

Quick Links:

Financial Planning

Tuition Discounts

Program Costs & Additional Expectations

Billing Timelines & Due Dates

Making Purchases Abroad

Onsite Financial Obligations

Tax Preparation & Tax Credits

Students Seeking Resident Status

Access to Campus Services

Financial Planning

Financing your Program can seem overwhelming...but it doesn’t have to be! The Financial Aid & Scholarships section of our website has lots of tips and tricks to help you plan.  Topics include:

  • U of U Scholarships
  • National and International Scholarships
  • Financial Aid
  • Budget Worksheets
  • Workshops
  • FAQs

Contact Learning Abroad or the Hinckley Institute with any questions or concerns that you might have!


Tuition Discounts

For programs at the University of Utah Asia Campus (UAC):  The Faculty/Staff Tuition Discount can be applied toward full year, calendar year, fall or spring semester Learning Abroad Programs at the UAC. The Medical Student Tuition Waiver cannot be used at the UAC.

For all other programs: The following tuition discounts and waivers CANNOT be applied:

  • Faculty/Staff Tuition Discount
  • Medical Student Tuition Waiver for main campus courses

If you receive any other type of tuition waiver or discount, contact the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office to determine if it can be used for your Program.

Program Costs

Program costs vary based on location, duration, and Program type.  Costs are divided into two categories: Billable Costs and Non-Billable Costs.  An estimate of billable and non-billable costs is provided in the Budget Sheet found on your Program webpage.

  • Billable Costs are paid by the student directly to the University of Utah.
  • Non-billable Costs are paid by the student to other entities.

Details about what is included in the billable and non-billable costs are found in the Notes section on the Budget Sheet.  In your planning, be sure to account for your personal spending habits and calculate your expenses in both U.S. dollars and the host country currency. A reliable currency converter can be found on-line.
The Budget Sheet reflects the previous year’s program cost and is only an ESTIMATE until you receive a final bill from the University of Utah. Although not anticipated, Program costs may change due to fluctuation in currency exchange rates, tuition increases, contracted agencies, or number of participants. You will be notified by Umail if the University expects any price fluctuations greater than 10% for the billable costs. Please see the Learning Abroad Handbook, your Learning Abroad Coordinator, or the Hinckley Institute for more information.  It is your responsibility to confirm and monitor pricing fluctuations for non-billable costs.


Billing Timelines & Due Dates

Non-billable costs are subject to the due dates and payment processes of the entity to whom you make the payment. Billable costs are paid in two increments:

Program Type

Description & Instructions

Faculty-led, Global Internship, Affiliate, and Exchange

Program Balance- Paid through your U of U tuition account. Payment due dates depend on when your Program takes place.  The billing and payment process are below:

1.      A billing statement with payment instructions and due dates will be uploaded to the Attached Documents section of your Application during pre-departure orientation.

2.      The remaining balance will be charged to your student account a few weeks later.

3.      You will pay the required amount IN FULL by the deadline listed on your billing statement, even if a lesser amount is showing on your tuition account.

a.       If the full balance is posted on your tuition account by the due date, you can make your payment on-line through CIS.

b.      If the full balance is NOT posted on your tuition account by the due date, you must pay in person at the Cashier’s Window, 165 Student Services Building or by phone, (801) 581-7344.  Checks can be made out to the University of Utah and should include your U of U ID#.Please let the cashier know that you are forcing the payment through; which will result in a credit balance on your tuition account.  

Scholarships are not reflected on your billing statement. If you receive a scholarship, take the following steps BEFORE paying your bill:

1.      Look at the balance due on your billing statement.

2.      Subtract the amount of your scholarship from the balance due.

3.      Pay the newly calculated amount.

For instance, if your balance due is $2500, and you received a $1000 scholarship award, you should pay $1500 by the due date posted on your billing statement.

Global Campus

Application Fee - Due at the time of your application. See the materials in your U of U Application for payment instructions.

Program Balance- Paid by FlyWire to the U Asia Campus.


Making Purchases Abroad

You will need to make arrangements to make purchases abroad.  Below are some tips to get you started:

  • Don’t assume that credit or debit cards will be accepted- Most countries continue to use cash for smaller purchases.  You should not expect to use a credit or debit card with all merchants.
  • Be smart about exchanging currency- Most countries do not use U.S. dollars. You can exchange U.S. dollars for foreign currency at most airports and banks. You will probably get a better exchange rate at a bank than an airport. Expect to pay an administration fee for exchanging currency.  If you prefer to have local currency before departure, contact your bank at least two weeks before departure.
  • Contact your bank and credit cards in advance- Inform them that you will be traveling. Your cards may be disabled if you do not inform the company.
  • Have a debit or credit card- International travelers should have a credit or debit card with ATM capabilities. Visa and MasterCard are widely accepted; Discover and American Express are less commonly accepted.
    Many banks and credit cards charge fees for international transactions.  All cards must be issued in your name.
  • Don’t get Travelers’ Checks- They are VERY DIFFICULT to cash.
  • Consider a Pre-paid debit card- Travelex provides pre-paid debit cards for international travelers.  Funds are available in foreign currency. Contact Travelex at 801-532-3374 for more information. Students may be eligible for discounts.


Onsite Financial Obligations

You are responsible for all expenses incurred abroad that are not covered in your billable cost.  This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Independent travel
  • Room key deposits
  • Charges for damages
  • Library fines
  • Medical treatment

Settle your accounts before you return to the U.S. Any unpaid charges forwarded to the University of Utah will be directly applied to your student account. Unpaid bills may result in a hold on your academic records.

Tax Preparation & Tax Credits

If you will be abroad during the spring semester, make arrangements for tax preparation before departure. Information about paying taxes from abroad can be found on the IRS website.  We recommend that students plan for the following:

  • Most Program costs are not eligible for IRS education credits or deductions. The University of Utah will automatically include eligible expenses in your 1098-T.  
  • Tuition payments made to the University of Utah Asia Campus are not eligible for a 1098-T.
  • Private contributions to a specific student may or may not be considered charitable donations.  The University cannot provide tax documentation for private contributions toward a student’s bill. Consult a tax accountant for more information.

Students Seeking Resident Status

Students trying to obtain resident status can participate in approved Learning Abroad or Hinckley Global Internship Programs without penalty.  To prove that you are participating in an approved Program, you must request a letter from Learning Abroad.  Contact us at to request the letter. As a reference, the University’s official policy refers to Learning Abroad and Hinckley Global Internships as “study abroad.”

If you plan to travel independently, you are allowed a 1-week grace period before the official Program start date and an additional 1-week grace period after the Program officially ends.  Any additional travel abroad or outside of Utah may jeopardize your residency petition.  For further information, contact Admissions at

Access to Campus Services

Participating in a Program impacts your access to campus services. Examples of campus services include, but are not limited to, the Student Life Center, TRAX passes, libraries, student clubs, the MUSS, etc. Please visit for more information.

  • Fall or Spring Semester, Calendar Year, Full Year, and Summer Programs - You CANNOT access UCard benefits and regular campus services during the term(s) of your Program.
  • Spring, Winter, and Fall Break Programs - You CAN access UCard benefits and regular campus services


Last Updated: 6/27/24